Completing the expenses workflow
Added a way for the treasurer to view expenses and mark them as noted. After talking to the club treasurer it was decided that there shouldn't be two types of expense, so I consolidated by removing the fuel expense submission form the car. I extended the trip expenses to provide a category, so now all expenses can be submitted from the same place, removing any confusion.
Here is the screen to submit the expenses:
And here is the screen that the treasurer can use to view expenses and mark them as noted.
I noticed that the application icons were not being displayed on some platforms. On Windows based browsers, it was fine, but missing on MacOS, iOS and Android.
I found this great
website that automatically generates all of the icons needed for each platform and all the supporting files. It also had a test facility that check that everything was in place.
Open Trialling
The open trialling has been going for nearly a month now and has been a really good source of feedback about the app. All three section reps have created a trip and advertised it on the forum. 37 members have signed into the app. Here are some statistics.
No of trips created: 5
No of groups: 10
No of members on trips: 25
No of cars: 19
No of club boats booked: 23
Requests: 3.3k
Dependency Hits: 38k