Saturday, 31 October 2020

Sprint 20 More work on expenses

Completing the expenses workflow

Added a way for the treasurer to view expenses and mark them as noted.  After talking to the club treasurer it was decided that there shouldn't be two types of expense, so I consolidated by removing the fuel expense submission form the car.  I extended the trip expenses to provide a category, so now all expenses can be submitted from the same place, removing any confusion.

Here is the screen to submit the expenses:

And here is the screen that the treasurer can use to view expenses and mark them as noted.

Application Icons

I noticed that the application icons were not being displayed on some platforms.  On Windows based browsers, it was fine, but missing on MacOS, iOS and Android.

I found this great website that automatically generates all of the icons needed for each platform and all the supporting files.  It also had a test facility that check that everything was in place.  

Open Trialling

The open trialling has been going for nearly a month now and has been a really good source of feedback about the app.  All three section reps have created a trip and advertised it on the forum.  37 members have signed into the app.  Here are some statistics.


No of trips created: 5
No of groups: 10
No of members on trips: 25
No of cars: 19
No of club boats booked: 23


Requests: 3.3k
Dependency Hits: 38k

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Sprint 19 Treasurer features


Added a feature where groups can be set up as needing a deposit.  The treasurer can then approve the user once the deposit has been received.

Below, the 'beginners' group has been set up as needing a deposit.

The deposit icon will remain 'unlit' until the treasure marks as paid.

Here is the screen that the treasurer uses to mark a deposit as paid.


Added two types of expenses:

  1. Fuel expenses.  These can be added to a vehicle by the diver
  2. Trip expenses.  These can be added to the trip by anyone that was on the trip
These will be then made available to the treasurer when doing the accounts for the trip.

Links in the description

Angular automatically sanitises any html that is injected into the page.  Here is an article about the security implications of this approach.  For simplicity, users can add html anchors to add links.

Add a tag to the additional details

Embeds a link into the additional details.

Friday, 16 October 2020

Sprint 18 Bug fixing and fine tuning

Open Trialling

This month saw the open trialling of the application.  Section Reps created trips which they advertised on the club forum.  Members could then sign up for these 'imaginary' trips.  The forum threads were then left open for feedback.  

This has been a successful and valuable exercise.  As well as identifying and fixing a couple of bugs, I also identified a number of functional fine tunings that would make the app easier to use, simpler and more intuitive.

Fine Tunings

  • Links to trips on the access report.  This was requested my the equipment officer as it is now not as simple to just find the trip.
  • Move miscellaneous kit booking to the equipment booking tab.  This was requested by a couple of members and I agree that this location makes more sense.
  • Automatically add boat to car for the driver.  I noticed that drivers were not doing this additional step which would be the correct action most of the time.
  • Set general stars to the highest discipline specific stars.  There are a couple of members that have discipline specific star awards but no general awards.  This looks strange on general paddling trips so put in some logic address this.
  • Add 'Full' status bars to trip and groups that are full.  This was requested by a member who took the last place on a group.
  • Altered the working for travelling independently to only be used when no basin access is required.  This should encourage those travelling from non-nearby locations to still put there car into the car share.

  • Login failed when user had a certain combination of star awards.  This was a straightforward coding bug.
  • User joined a trip but didn't display the updated trip.  This was a specific scenario that has now being fixed.

Saturday, 3 October 2020

Sprint 17 Boat Image Uploads and Live Trialling

Boat Image Uploads

I've tried to keep this very simple for the time being.  It allows equipment officers to upload a single image for a boat and will replace an existing image.   This is to keep the image storage as small as possible.  I've also not included any image manipulation.  This will be the responsibility of the equipment officers to crop the images so that they have a 16:9 aspect ratio.  I felt that it would be better to let the officers do this manually and verify that the results show the boats correctly than rely on an automated crop.

Live Trialling

I've sent an email out to the section reps with instructions on how to create an imaginary trip.  The plan is for the reps to create a 'typical' trip that the members can sign up for and try out all the features.  The reps can then 'advertise' the trip on the forum so we can see how the application handles the trip planning process, identify an issues or missing features

I've set up an advertised an example imaginary trip and posted on the forum.  Awaiting the section reps' trips to be advertised. 

Boat Image Uploads Update

Switched to using an image cropper component to ensure that images are uploaded as 16:9 aspect ratio.

To use this I needed to be able to convert from a data URI to an IFormFile (Blob).  This article contains function code to do this. 

For the test I used a blank image.